over the last week ive been trying to grasp time to process and reflect on my time at the global forum - and it hasn't been easy. A gathering of hundreds of abolitionists is in some ways easy to describe – and at the same time impossible – it is exciting, inspiring, challenging and even overwhelming – but overall awesome. And due to the fact that there is SO much going on all at once - it is impossible to capture it all in a blog post. So - here goes - as a snapshot:
This year there was even more of an air of excitement and a resolve to move forward than last year I think… conversations were constantly digging deeper and questions from the audience were helping to unpack challenging and systemic problems - seeking solutions.
Panels ranged from Law enforcement, data collection, social media, and civil engagement, to effective business solutions to keep aftercare sustainable – and presenters came from all across the country and around the world. A definite highlight of the forum was having the modern-day hero Kru Nam there in person with us! She spoke in her gentle spunky way – inspiring all who listened to follow her example and “be the change you want to see” as Brant Christopher’s song “march out” says. The last day of the conference Kru Nam received a gift of $150,000 from NFS for further construction on the village she is building for kids rescued from brothels in the big cities of Thailand! It was so exciting to know that now more kids would be safely housed, and would have access to classrooms for a school, and a community center of sorts for the village! Wednesday night musicians gathered to perform an awesome collection of pieces for the “Abolitionist Concert” –amazing, inspiring talent!
Through the many conversations I had with other state directors, attendees and panelists, I gathered a common thread of the importance of working across often constructed boundaries – and the urgency understand and overcome to things that are separating us in this movement – or else it will not last. We need to stand strong – and stand together! To learn how to help others, and be able to communicate how in turn, they can help us out – mutual benefit. As one of the panelists put it: “beware of the plague of the grand unifying theory of the universe – no, we can’t all be in sync at the same time! Yet… we must work to cultivate a global ideology against slavery!”
(this was reinforced last week when i was talking with Ben Skinner (author of A Crime so Monstrous) and he shook his head at the fractioning happening globally, but especially at the local level - saying "this has to stop - or the movement will fall apart")
So Be encouraged – much is happening! And be challenged – there is more to be done – and You have a part to play in this!
more info and reflections: notforsalecampaign.org