Sunday, September 7, 2014

An Artist?

What makes you an artist?
If I can draw or paint something that others think is beautiful. Or accurate. Or powerful. 
Am I an artist?
If the lines are correct, emotion impacted, is it art? Perhaps... Am I an artist?
I don't know. 
Does an artist merely create art? Produce art? Make artistic impressions from blank paper and a pencil? Or is it more?
Telling a story 
Sharing heart and soul 
A lifestyle of creativity 
Other than the status quo
Questioning what is
New ideas for what can be
An artist is a truth teller 
Honest and hopeful 
Never content with the answer "no, that's not how it's done"
Burst through those boxes 
And be. 
Be yourself. 
And while you're at it splash some paint around.