"...it is in dying that one lives. It is in losing one's life that he finds it. You must never fear dying, my little friend, because fear of dying leads one to all sorts of futile and demonic attempts to preserve life. And life simply cannot be preserved"
- what the wind said to Thajir
To live fully is not to preserve life. Not to horde and scringe and save. Not even to be comfortable or safe, really. What does it look like to live fully? To live generously and joyfully for God's kingdom? to rest and be filled up, and to pour out again - all in one motion sometimes, or in seasons? when am i most rested refreshed, rejuvenated? Painting and drawing, being by the ocean, talking with a close friend, laughing about ridiculous things. Beauty. Nature. Life. Calm. gentle. inspirational places and people - a sense of abandonment to God's purpose and plan - understanding His agenda - His adventure - the beauty of the backwards. The lowly confounding the wise. The simple, small treasures in common ordinary things. The unlooked for glimpse into paradise. This takes time, and eyes not too tired, busy or stressed to see. I think when i get stressed and busy I loose sight of these things and that drains me.
Where is hope if not in the little surprising things where is victory, but in the places you wouldn't notice?! Yet hope is there - it grows and glistens - wanting to shine out but needing to first be seen and recognized. Its nature is humble - not timid but cautious- and it laughs at our plans and agendas. It dances around our ideas - creating new avenues where hope was never seen or expected to appear.
How then do we remain on the look out? how do we avoid missing these glimpses of hope, light and victory? how do we listen for the sounds of joy? the smells of peace?
stress dims vision. don't be stressed
Worry distracts. Don't worry.
Business runs you by too fast to see. Don't be busy.
Fear is blinding. Do not fear!
open your eyes and look around, slow the pace, take time to be still - and cast all your cares on the Lord Christ. He who is the foundation - the lifespring - of all love, joy, peace, hope and ultimately victory!
"the light shines in the darkness - and the darkness will not overcome it!"