Sitting low on the ground. Feet parading by. Cars. Echo. Lights flash. Invisible? Notice the crevasses- the water trickles down. The flower man sells his roses.
Smooth jazz fills the air as note after note floats in and through the echos of the overpass. A trumpet played in the lonely corner of the metro stop. Calling after some lost memory. Dreaming of an unknown possibility. A world where music swirls in the dark places. Light shines and the confusion has a voice. Harmoney and melody dance out of the din and noise- rise up, sink down. Where are we going? Feet parading by? Cold stone. Still. Wait and listen. Do you hear the theme emerging? It turns a corner, rises high and floats into the rain on the leaves falling orange and red to the street. Do you hear them? The dreams spoken to these cold stones on frozen nights long past.
A lonely man sat and waited. Not knowing what for. Who did he have in life now? His coat torn and dirty he sunk to the cold stone slope under the overpass and wept. What happened to my life!? Oh if only...Feet parade by- hurry to catch a train, or get picked up in the parking lot. A siren blares past and he hardly hears. Cars circle through. No one comes for him. No one is coming. The rain has stopped and softly the notes of jazz sing into the night, echoing under the overpass.
A girl shuffles along and sinks down with a sigh. Bikes lined up in a row- orderly yet scattered- speak to journeys and adventures had. The little one insider her kicks. Why is she so alone? she looks up at the faces hurrying past and they glance away. Young and old, business men and athletes, shoppers, mothers, dog lovers. They walk by not noticing her pain. Will he come to get her? He Hasn't picked up his phone in two days. But she had to try. The air is biting. She shivers and tries to dream of what could be. Her thoughts are caught up and swirled around by the notes of jazz. Head back. Listen. The echoes speak of hope as she waits under the overpass.
(written while waiting at the east falls church metro stop last night)
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