1 Corinthians 1:30-31 (NASB) "But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption, so that, just as it is written, "LET HIM WHO BOASTS, BOAST IN THE LORD." Ras Robinson
sometimes God says to just be! Be still and know that I am God.
"don't just do something, stand there!"
this is so backwards from what everyone is telling us all the time - what we are telling ourselves - what our value is measured by - what our worth is. We are programed to DO and DO some more until we are burnt out and run ragged - and people say "oh wow, they truly have been sacrificial - what a servant's heart" and they uphold this twisted martyrdom as heroic! I listen to it too! But, i have come to realize, running ourselves into the ground is not what God is looking for. Yes, he wants us to give ourselves up - He wants our all - but he want us to take care of that "all". He wants us to realize we can't do it - to come "to the end of ourselves" but long before we are burnt out - Rather than keep licking the last drops of water out of ourselves, He wants us to surrender to His abundant flow of living water - that He will generously pour into us so that we never run dry. WE never run dry - from HIS supply. WE don't have the answers, but HE does - and he wants to give them to us - in his time and as he will... if we would just come sit and rest by him. watch what he is about - learn to see with His vision - the complexity takes shape, rather than chaos and a mad tangle of spaghetti. He is there to comfort and He has a plan.I rush around trying to fit it into a box - and he wants to burst through all boxes - to show himself to be more than we can ask or imagine!
I want to accomplish tangible goals to appear that im "doing something"
He says the waiting, watching, building relationships and 'random' conversations are just as valuable
I want to figure things out
He says listen
I want to pour myself out - to give - to be busy - to meet the needs
He says, His grace is sufficient. Rest. recognize He alone can bring healing
I want to know where im going
He says he will open the right doors when the time comes - take one step at a time. or even, there is a time to stand still.
Im tired of confusion!
Its not confusion - it is a melody - a tapestry - a masterpiece - you need only to step back and see.
Oh Lord, give me the eyes to see what you see! Help me to keep focused on your face - as i step into the waves -may i not fear the wind and waves, but see only you before me - and not even care that im walking on water. You are my strength and my song, my ever-present help in trouble.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths!
Proverbs 3:56
Proverbs 3:56