as we have cook-outs, watch fireworks, sing old "patriotic" songs - what is this "freedom" we celebrate? This independence for our country - this blessing of God we invoke - liberty and justice for all?
Who is given freedom? and on the backs of what lives? with the slave labor of who's ancestors and the destruction of who's land did we "boldly go west"
I suppose i listened to the songs we were singing a bit closer this year- trying listening as a wold-citizen - not 'Euro-centric' 'white' 'Caucasian' - or whatever term you like - American. Also, listening with the realization that freedom, justice and liberty never has truely been for all - there always seem to be the "except for..." category - or the ignored and pushed aside populations within our boarders.
"My country tis of thee,
sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died!
Land of the Pilgrim's pride!
From every mountain side,
Let Freedom ring! "
The Pilgrim's pride means the first people's stolen land? Sweet land of liberty - yet when the declaration of independence was written, the rights of every man was pretty much just talking about white protestant property owners. Where were the rights for the women, the people of all different shades of skin , and those not wealthy enough to own property?
Thankfully things have changed - slowly - and slavery is now "illegal" around our "sweet land of liberty" nearly 200 years later! yet it still exists - people are still being bought and sold outright.
in a different light - people are held in debts, in greed, in consumerism, in lies and corruption... This land is not a pretty picture in many ways.
There is a place for thankfulness for the blessings we have - and yet always to remember there are others from whom these very blessings may be denied. How will we use our freedom to help others gain theirs?
We can praise the natural beauty of the country - yet remember we have a responsibility in caring for it -and remembering the hard truth of history. What is our role now in bringing healing and reconciliation? how will we take care of this earth, and the people on it?
Ultimately as Christians the boarders around us are not to be held onto so tightly. Our first allegiance is not to the United States of America, but "to a King and a Kingdom" as Derek Webb writes. Our citizenship is not here, but in Heaven - and our first goal is to reach others with the good news about Jesus - to offer that hope and true freedom - not to find ways to block our boarders and arrest those hear without papers, or without a voice to explain. Now, im not getting into all that -but just to think.
How might we better serve those around us, and bring a bit more truth to the phrase "sweet land of liberty"? The truth is, America is uniquely positioned in the world to make an impact for good - and more importantly, Christ has commanded his followers to be positioned in the world to make an impact for good - and for His kingdom!
May we pray for our broken country - and pray for our broken world - and pray how we might be called to step up and take action in our communities to bring Christ's healing and true freedom!
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