Back for a week.
India? how far away have you gotten? the stories, the lives, the joy the sorrow. Sitting on a creaky bed, holding the hand of a Nepalis Madame - looking deep into her eyes, and seeing the sorrow. "God loves you so very much!" telling of the love, the sacrifice, the victory of our lord Jesus... sipping orange soda, praying. Dancing and swirling around with the children - speaking Marathi and making them laugh. What horrors lurk in the shadows, what pain comes each night. But as the sun is shining, Hope and laughter come easy to their eyes. What of their future? the young girls? the boys? who do they become in this community making money off of human lives? ahh they are so full of life! Lord Jesus protect them!
The trains, the traffic, the language. I keep wanting to shake my head to say yes -confusing here. I don't so much miss the country as i miss the people, and I miss seeing so clearly the ways God was moving and working in lives, and in His church, and the promises of His glory pouring out over India. It was so clearly His story we were living and breathing - given the privilege of participating in.
Yes things are different here in Boston - but on the plane coming back He clearly reminded me - "this is my story too." God is at work here in Boston, here in America, and he wants to talk to us - he wants us to listen. He wants to show us the doors he is opening, the light he is shining through the cracks in the darkest places, and how we can be a part of all of this.
So i am trying to listen.
I get excited when i remember the visions about the work he is doing in India, and how it connects to the middle east. I think God has invited me into the work he is doing globally in some way... and im excited! I have no idea what this will look like. But i trust He knows, and im ready for the adventure to continue! thanks for your prayers and support!
A few things on my heart: encouraging and supporting the leaders God is rising up around the world in His kingdom, and in the work to end slavery. To help provide tools to better understand the systems of trafficking and how to determine the strategic points to break down the cycles. To connect people and combat the enemy's strategy of isolating God's people. To pray.
Back for a week. Still tired, but trying to give myself permission to take things slow (i haven't really been taking things slow) and to rest. my body clock is back in schedule i think. but emotionally im tired. And there is still so much to process. So i will take it one day at a time.
And God is saying "yes, this is my story"
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