- Highschool and middle school education (especially urban): It is just a teeming whirlwind of DRAMA!!! I overheard a conversation coming home today ofhighschool students "she told my girl i was cheatin on her, or wait... maybe it was that i had gotten her pregnant."
- Foster care: so often families do it for the money from the state, but don't treat the kids any better - and often abuse and cause further damage. Lots of gir
ls that get caught up in sex trafficking come from foster care. or are in someway "System involved"
- Homeless intervention programs: Especially the way all the "checks" (Social Security, Disability, Welfare..) come in on the 1st of the month, and everyone partiesit up- and the next day are broke for the rest of the month. Shelters and outreach program seem to be perpetuating this pattern. And, there is usually a threshold of money you can save before they cut off the checks, which is far lower than the amount you need to pay rent... so folks get caught in the loop of relying on the system, and not able to get out ontheir own. Also - when folks get housing, often they are isolated from their communities - so end up back on the street to be with "friends" or invite others to their place, against the rules, and get kicked out. There is a lot more to being homeless than not having a home.
- well, government. the way in which nations are led and governed: yeah.
- and there are so many other structures and systems that could use serious help...
But, the thing is, it is really easy to make lists of whats wrong in the
world, and to point out weaknesses and loopholes.
The challenge is to come up with solutions, and to actively engage in making positive change. This is a challenge we MUST rise up to - and let's start with loving our neighbors.
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