Saturday, February 25, 2012

update: Feb 2012

Hello friends! 
Thank you so much for your support and prayers and care for me!! and thank you for your patience in my lack of updates! I have been working on an update/ newsletter with awesome formatting and cool pictures since the beginning of January - but it just never seemed to come together. I will complete it, as an overview of 2011, and hopefully will send it out soon via email and snail mail... but for now, I wanted to just check in and give a bit of an update on life and work, rest, play, craziness and adventures! 

A lesson i am learning these days is how to fully live in the here and now, without first and foremost trying to "fix" what is broken or hurting or in need. To just be. My friend shared an image with me the other day, that has really stuck: we are to lay down our hopes and fears and burdens of wanting to see change... to lay everything down at the feet of Jesus, and then ask what we are to pick up and carry as we follow him. What is ours to carry? (see how it is backwards?)
For me this comes into focus when i think about my desire and passion to see change in our communities and systems so that life is valued, cared for, respected and can thrive! So that people are not buying and selling others for profit. So that little kids don't go "missing" but no one looks for them. no one cares. My heart aches for those who are held in abusive situations, whose identity is stripped from them- yes i want to see change!!! But, how am i to respond in living out my life day by day? how do i love my neighbors well, invest in my community and daily live out this change, when "results" are not clear and tangible? Things are complicated and confusing! relationships are challenging, but so good - because ultimately that is where what we say and do matters. I'm not sure exactly where the place for campaigns and large scale awareness efforts come in - though i see they are important on some level. I am cautious of the motivations for "making a splash" and being known...because maybe that comes and goes, and as it fades into history, what has been made better? what has healed? where has creative reconciliation permeated the brokenness to bring new life? 

In today's reading in "Common Prayer: a liturgy for ordinary radicals" : "Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, "To show great love for God and our neighbor we need not do great things. It is how much love we put in the doing that makes our offering something beautiful for God." 
Today, Lord, help us make our lives an offering of quiet commitment to thread love through the torn garments of society. Amen." 

 yes! This is how i want to live my life! This is what i want to be motivated by! And i am so thankful for the many friends here and Boston and around the world I've gotten to know on this journey who are living this out!! 

So, onto updates: 

(web page is a work in progress)
I have officially been an employee of the Emmanuel Gospel Center, as director of the Abolitionist Network for 8 months! Many lessons learned, amazing connections with people locally and across the country. Conversations around systemic engagement, technology support, and Counter-network strategy to break the networks of trafficking globally. William Wilberforce had a group of friends around him- they would meet for dinner, they built relationships of trust, humor and love in their own way... and each had some role of influence in their networks across the system. In some ways i feel like that is what I have the privilege of doing! Building friendships with other Abolitionists - doing what they can to build networks, to engage the systems of trafficking - and have these "off line" conversations, which build to global ripples of influence! 
I love helping connect people to the movement, where they best fit, and are passionate to engage. Every week I have several meetings or phone calls with people locally or across the country, and through our conversation about what they are interested in, i can point them to organizations or people in their area to talk with or join with in fighting trafficking. A few recent locations being Portland OR, Chicago IL, Richmond VA, GA, TN, FL, CA, Iowa, NY, DC, CO, RI. Fun to see the movement growing, and especially to see the various group and networks come together slowly but surely, with website resources in development, and circles of trusting relationships of NGO's and various networks increasingly overlapping. 

Locally, it seems Boston and MA may be a great case study of how we can create an effective state coalition - involving Law Enforcement, gov. agencies, service providers and other community voices! (seems we need 3 different networks, closely connected and moving forward with a common strategy) 
The MA legislation against human trafficking was signed into law in November, and took affect last week. The first task force meeting is this Wednesday, chaired by the Attorney General's office. We have a ways to go in strategy and bringing together the movement - but this is a great first step! 

interview with Survivor/ mentor at My Life My Choice

Happenings with NFS MA
I am still one of the state-directors (CAN leaders) for NFS MA. I see it as an amazing space to build cooperation and engage the community in the movement - everyone has a voice to add, and a role to play in ending slavery. So, that is our mission with NFS MA. Every month we have at least 10 new volunteers come to our volunteer meetings, and they we are constantly expanding our team for projects and engaging the community. We now have a volunteer coordinator, an awesome communications team, a Central MA director, a director of trainings, a Free2Create director, a point person for church engagement and prayer, an events team and many more projects in the works. Hopefully we can be a support to the community coalition/ voice in the new task force that is forming.
 We had a spa day last weekend with some of the survivors with My Life My Choice- so fun to hang out, do nails and hair and just pamper these teens who are just like any other teenager, except different. The pain and hurt is there, just under the surface. But they can laugh and look forward to brighter futures. They need love and support from folks like you! :) 

I am still on the board for Amirah - and it has not opened its doors yet, but we are getting very close! I am now taking the lead on referral networks and structures. Helping to build the bridges between folks in and around Boston who may be first responders to survivors, and Amirah as a resource for them. 
I continue to be blessed by my friends who are on the streets, and who are in recovery -who have been or currently are still struggling with "the life" of prostitution. It has been so wonderful to see many of these woman come to a place of wanting to help with Amirah in some way - whether to offer their input on the program plan, to help with referrals, or to support the girls we will eventually be working with. I love how my church community of South End Neighborhood Church is filled with amazing wisdom along these lines, and such a heart to support this home! 
We have found the house- and will be signing the lease soon. it is such an amazingly perfect fit!! I am so thankful for God's provision of this property, and everything surrounding it! We have amazing room sponsors who are going to help fund the decorating of rooms, we have filled up two storage spaces with furniture and other donations. We are just overflowing with volunteer support, and prayers, and I just step back and say "wow!" It is now so far beyond me, or any of us on the initial planning board. It is both exciting and scary!! haha. A lot of money is needed for the doors to open. We know its easy for God to provide it, and we believe he will - as he has been providing already all this time! Please keep Amirah in your prayers - and check out their site, if you'd like to donate, or invite them (us) to come speak. 

As I move forward into 2012, I am looking forward to continuing to build connections, to equip leaders with tools for strategic engagement and rest and refreshment, and of course lots of learning to do!!! Im still living in community in the South End of Boston, and I love it! There is much to do in Boston, but Im also excited to see where God might be opening doors to go back to the Middle East - and continue learning about the landscape of trafficking and exploitation there. No set plans - but please keep that in prayer! Relationships have continued from our trip to India last year as well. God is doing exciting things there! Human Trafficking is a global issue, and I see it as vital to develop a global counter-trafficking network! Not sure exactly what my role will be - but I'm excited to press into that! 

Thank you all SO much for your prayers if you pray, and for your financial support and words of encouragement! Though my needs are met, currently i am still short of what i hope to reach for monthly supporters. I would really love to bring that amount up so i can participate in, and support other abolitionists with retreats and trainings and other ministry costs. I am hoping to reach $1,400 coming in each month so that I can help support the movement further beyond just my salary. Right now I think I have about $800 committed support monthly, and then many generous one time gifts.  I am so blessed and humbled by each one of you, as you see what God is doing, and join in! Every gift is a blessing!
If you are interested in continuing to joining with me in this crazy adventure, the best way to give is at and select "Abolitionist Network". 
you can also mail a check made out to The Emmanuel Gospel Center with "Abolitionist Network" in the memo line. and mail to 2 San Juan St. Boston MA 02118.

Also, if you are around the Boston area - come to EGC's Annual Fundraiser on March 17th!!! It will be at Jubilee Christian Church in Dorchester. It is a wonderful time to come together with Christians from across the Boston area, and to learn more about what the Emmanuel Gospel Center has been up to, and to join with them in ministry to the city of Boston and our churches. 

Thank you again! Many more stories and adventures to tell - but hopefully more updates will be coming along soon! 


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