Wednesday, March 6, 2013

cards, cows and mindsets

Nika and I have been traveling for 9 days now. We have seen and learned a lot. we have met some incredible people, wrestled through systems thinking processes like hexagonning and causal loop diagrams, tried new foods, enjoyed old favorites from the region...I remembered the Arabic alphabet after a while of reading signs in Dubai and taught Nika a few letters. Hindi completely left my brain though - but i still remember some words, now that we are in Delhi.

Dubai is like a house of cards... a glittering, polished (on the inside) house of cards. large buildings towering out of the sand. half finished construction stand like skeletons in the landscape. luxury cars buz around the streets. dust and sand blow and cloud the view. Where is the heart of the city? Im listening, but i don't hear it... im still, but i don't feel it against my cheek. life blood flowing? what is this city built on? business, money, clean? perhaps not.
Malls everywhere... going forever. shop after shop, indoor pedestrian only streets paved with marble weave through the city. People from all over the world meander. headscarvs, full burkas, Galabayas, Koftas, skinny jeans, stilettos, miniskirts... you see it all. Some women are fully covered, even their eyes covered with a black veil, and some women hardly had anything on at all. Meandering through the mall. Children running and playing. laughter. chatting, honeymoon couples, and old couples, teenagers hanging out after a school day.
what a crazy world.
Women are seen yet not seen. Violence against women is hidden and hushed up. "No it doesn't happen here".
The United Arab Emirates, controlled by the King, and the small percentage of emirates. power, wealth, control. Law enforcement, and government officials are all Emirates.
The rest of the country is made up of people from all over the world - mostly India. yet they are never allowed citizenship. merely work visas. subject to being kicked out at the will of the Government. If you don't have an adequate job, or studying in school you can't stay. You must work and contribute to the well-being of the country.
Trafficking? Exploitation? Yes it happens. Entertainment, prostitution. and Labor slavery as well. I wasn't sure how or if i would learn about what was happening with human trafficking in the Gulf, but on my last day there i talked with a friend who has a heart and passion to help women caught up in prostitution and those who are abused in the labor camps. What would this look like? How can she and her community help?
As I began to talk with her about various ideas I realized how incredibly blessed much of the world is - and specifically thinking about Boston - we have multiple hotline numbers to call if you are being abused/ raped/ exploited... the system isn't perfect, but there is a high chance the police will respond and will attempt to help you. Perhaps your story is not fully believed, but generally there is a care for the victim, connection with services, an attempt to prosecute the perpetrator. At least that is the generally accepted "norm" of how the system works. But, apparently in Dubai there isn't even one hotline number to call to report sexual abuse. or at least my friend did not know of one. It is as if the work to help those who are being exploited, must be done in secret, because the government wants to keep the problem hidden. So a double secrecy! What an incredible challenge!
I am so thankful i was able to meet and talk with these friends though, and i look forward to staying connected with them - and see what God will do in and through them.

Now we have been in Delhi for a few days. amazing full and alive city! soooo many people! and the laws? well, they are more like guidelines... or completely ignored. new ones made up.
wonderful food and bright colors, but oh- so many contradictions everywhere you look! Spending time with friends here who are giving their lives for their country - answering God's call to serve. Giving up business and just asking God what they are to do. It seems so impossibly overwhelming in many ways, yet exciting to see steps being taken towards justice, integrity, and honesty. small steps, but steps. The book of Isaiah always seems to come alive for me when im here in india! God's heart desires Justice, and he is calling his church to step out here- he will fulfill his promises!
Crazy traffic, cows, sewage, metro lines, curries and corn rotti, flowers, bright colors everywhere, new little friends- giving candies, prayers, songs, laughter, passionate frustration, heart cries for justice. strong determination. Do not be afraid! The Lord is with you!
 Jai Mesai! जय!

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