Monday, August 2, 2010

faith based

Faith-Based; based on faith
grounded on things hoped for, unseen, intangible, yet a foundation unshakable. A trust in something other than our own ambitions, non-profit business plans (aka make no money) and the screaming needs of this world.
to base our plans on faith is to say we don't know. we don't understand everything. we have faith in One who is all-knowing, who has the blueprints, the game plan, the final victory - won already actually. hmm.

we are saying our efforts do not add up to anything on their own
our foundation is outside of ourselves, and our focus and entire reason for existing is for a greater cause - it is a calling - a call to restoration, and redemption - to join in the process of "I make all things new"
we are in line with the backwards nature of a kingdom whose king came and lived among the poor, in an occupied land, who called his followers to give up everything they held close in this world, to love their enemies, do good to those who hurt you, pray for those who persecute you, turn the other cheek and don't put on pious shows like "whitewashed tombs". The heart matters. the motivation matters. the intent - and the inner, secret, whispers of your heart matter in this kingdom. the poor are blessed, the weak are cared for, the oppressed are set free and renewed.
we base our organizations on the faith that this king is bringing this kingdom here and now -and one day it will come completely!
True Justice will be shown, and righteousness will rule. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and self control will be the norm - as Jesus Christ's redeeming blood washes over those who confess our brokenness, and trust in His rule as Lord and King.

on this we base our faith.

on this our work is faith based.

may it not be said or experienced that "faith based" means walls and rules and regulations, "holier than thou" judgments, oppressive head beatings with the bible, or discrimination against the very ones who Jesus came to love and to care for. anyone can have compassion, and want to make a difference in the world - there is no need for faith to fight for a cause - and i believe we can and must work together with others who do not share a faith in this King - yet we must remember we are fighting for something far greater than a cause - and our motivation is different - our perspective is on a higher vantage point - our strength comes not from ourselves.

"in Christ alone my hope is found, He is my light my hope my strength my shield. This cornerstone, this solid ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm..."


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