Sunday, September 19, 2010

in the moment

wow- a lot is going on! I was telling a friend- i wish there were 2 more hours tagged onto each day to process and reflect the rest. There just doesn't seem to be enough time to blog, or even write. Perhaps it all goes back to prioritizing.
i have a quote on my wall that says "when God made time, he made enough of it"
so - how do i choose to use this time i have been given? these moments... all flying by, just as fast, or slow as the last... only in this moment do i have the ability to act - to do - to be.

What does it mean to fully live in each moment- while at the same time, fully resting in God's love- soaking in the reality that He loves me - and wants me to just be with Him... to praise - to love back - to just BE.
God cares about the brokenness, injustice, pain and suffering happening right now all over the world -and down the street- he does. and yet at the same time, he cares about me. What?! about molding and creating me into this design he has in mind. To heal and work through my weaknesses, to teach me to love more fully, to trust more deeply, to step forward more courageously into the calling. And sometimes this means stepping back from the front lines of battle. again - it doesn't make much sense in some ways -but think about staying healthy and balanced.
His arm is long enough - to reach the brokenness of the world- to reach me. (Isaiah 59:1)

St. Theresa’s Prayer: May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.’

we were sitting at the kitchen table today after lunch with a friend - she is wanting to get off the streets. off drugs, away from selling her body - to a new life - to let God heal and transform - she wants it - but she can't seem to break out of the cycle of running back to what she knows, as soon as she gets close to leaving the life she wants to leave. What is "comfortable" to her is brokenness - under the bridge - drugs- survival - fights. How to learn to be out of her comfort zone - in a space where there is quiet - so that God can work to heal her?? layers of pain built up over 20 years of running the streets. She needs to get out of this space where there is always a back exit from the spaces she has gone for help. She can run right back to what she knows, and is "good at" i might add.
In really wanting to be community - we choose to be there for others- to listen, to support, to love, and to say - "stand strong! stop running! maybe that means leaving everyone and everything you've known- and going to a place far away. Maybe you need to eliminate all the exit strategies and escape routs from healing." so loving, might be saying to leave.

being in community is beautiful - it is hard - it is painful sometimes - yet such a blessing to see God working in the lives of those around you - and having the privilege of being a small part :) Earlier today it was awesome to see God at work in so many lives! A girl came on the van to church with us who just turned 18. She is staying out at a shelter - and is getting ready to go into the Army to be a cook. She's so young - so vulnerable. I pray God keeps her safe and continues to draw her near to His grace and peace through the craziness of life that she is in right now.
The sermon today was on Joshua 1 - and God's continual reminders to Joshua to be Strong and Courageous! Do not be terrified - do not be discouraged - for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go!!
we don't have to feel courageous - we are commanded to BE courageous. very different things really. I think i often tell myself i need to feel strong and courageous - and when i don't, i feel like im failing to be who God is calling me to. It is exactly in those moments of feeling weak - yet stepping forward in courage - where God's strength and glory is seen!
I feel like yesterday was an example of that. I wasn't particularly feeling strong - yet because of an incredible team and God's grace - we pulled together an awesome event - Boston's first Free2Walk!! over 130 people came, and walked through Boston's history of abolition - and hopefully everyone found tangible ways they could stay involved in the movement today.
So moving forward from that -and networking the boston community - it requires me to step forward - to act in God's strength - even if i don't always feel it.

Each moment - be strong. soak in His love and remember- if you gain the whole world (end slavery - poverty- injustice), yet have not love - you gain nothing.

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