Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sing for the glory of the living and the loving

sometimes i wish i could blog and write in a world where no one knows me, no one knows the people i know, and i could be just an anonymous storyteller, writing about the lovely, the challenging, the hurtful and the joys. But, doesn't that defeat the purpose of community and fellowship? of communicating to people who exist, as a person who exists and is known in community? I guess, in the end, im glad to communicate my thoughts with people who i may run into, or maybe live with, or call family... and i can talk things out over a cup of coffee. Maybe no one will bring it up, but i do appreciate your comments and thoughts on the things i wrestle with here in this space of words on a page somewhere in the tangled "Small world network"of the internet.

We live in such a crazy world! I am so thankful for the beauty, and so amazed at God's mercy, and yet my heart is heavy with the sorrows of so many - so many i know, and millions more stories i don't know. There are sorrows in life, and wounds that go deep, and its not all gonna get better. at least not now, not here, not in this age. But i think im beginning to let that burden go- to lift that off my shoulders and lay in at the cross. Today summer hit Boston and all the trees started blooming, and flowers are springing up everywhere. The commons was like a beach - everyone out in their bathing suits sun tanning on towels! The city was buzzing with warm happy people. Yet there was also tragedy. A friend is missing and last she was heard from she is being exploited by her "husband" pimping her out and beating her up. I know this lady well, and it hurts to think she has been dragged back into this life. (i think she is in her 40s? maybe late 30s?) also, a friend of my dad's was killed by thugs in Nairobi - someone he was looking forward to seeing when he was there. Her two boys are now orphaned. I think i remember her, when we lived in Boston back in 93, she was a classmate of my dad's.
A star has been silenced. her singing has stopped.
at least for now, here. where we can touch and hear her.

Lord have mercy! be with her sons, and her family, and community. Bring repentance and redemption to her murderers Lord! in your mercy, hear our prayer!

"...and all of the wickedness in the world that man might work or think is no more to the mercy of God than a live coal dropped in the sea."
W. Langland c. 1400 

I love this quote, on the wall in my friend's house i was staying at in CT. 
Really, only because of this do i have hope to keep pressing on. I have been called, i know this. But the exact acting out of this calling is still in the works, and i think will continue to be a journey step by step.
Im praying about going back to the middle east, and what doors may open there. Exciting! a bit intimidating to think of picking up and moving completely - maybe i'll just go for a few months? Im not sure.

I recently read "a wind in the door" and it was so very timely with things going on in my life. Naming, loving, being! not X-ing or annihilating anyone!

This painting i did last week was partly inspired by this quote:

"sing for the glory of the living and the loving, the flaming of creation, sing with us, dance with us, be with us, Be!" M. L'Engle

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