One week ago, Monday the 15th of April at 2:50pm two bombs went off- one at the finish line of the 117th Boston Marathon, and one a little way down the road.
Boston, and the world was shocked.
#prayforboston |
I was on the south shore at the time, heard from my friend's mom that something had happened and turned on the news 20 minutes after the explosions went off. Then after a bit I came back into the city. I live just down the street, and a friend was staying with us who had run the marathon, and was right there. many many other friends were right near by, or just up the road. It seems everyone in the city knows someone who was there if they weren't there themselves.
Im not sure how to process this entire week - yes, violence, tragedies, bomb explosions in war zones, guns and stabbings with gangs in our cities, earthquakes, tsunamis, catastrophic accidents... are happening all over the world, even as im writing this. Yet. The world watched these bombs go off - random, senseless, sickening violence that had everyone shocked and confused. News casters didn't know what to even say. Blood, missing limbs, caos, panic... WHY??? I think that is what really strikes us all - the seeming lack of motive- the random act of violence to hurt people, whoever happened to be there. All on a beautiful Marathon Monday when we were watching the world's finest long-distance runners, spending time with family and friends - the sky was blue, bright clouds floating by, just the right air temperature. and then this.
Something happened here, that impacted this city, and the world, that is not so much related to the amount of injuries or how many people died... it is a taste of senseless, random violence against humanity... against us - crowd of family and friends at the marathon - Boston.
Not gang related, drug related, no war of power and political control motivating the act of setting these two explosives in the midst of the onlookers.
And yet, there were motives, we still don't know or understand, but we must acknowledge the pain and frustration, and trouble that drove these young men to do this. (what will we learn from this? are we listening?)
The world was watching. So it was an act of violence against all who were a part of that day - from all over the world.
It could have been so much "worse" - though from friends who were there, I have heard gruesome nightmares of stories. I try to hold it in "perspective" with whats happening around the world... yet, ive come to realize today, that I should not limit my reaction of sorrow and lament "Because others are experiencing this too and 'worse'" But rather, may this build my compassion, empathy, and ability to grieve along with others around the world, and here in my city who go through traumatic experiences, have had bombs dropped on their communities by us Americans, had friends killed in a street shooting... It is all heartbreaking.
To lament is to hope for, and have faith in something better- This is not what was meant to be. We are longing for a new City - the Kingdom of Heaven to come!
I just wanted to post a few images and some of my favorite quotes from people and friends from this past week.
Sadly after the bombings, people jumped to racially profiling those from the middle east, even in some media assumptions were being made. So maddening and sad.
This author had some good and provocative thoughts to share...
"White privilege is knowing that even if the Boston Marathon bomber turns out to be white, his or her identity will not result in white folks generally being singled out for suspicion by law enforcement, or the TSA, or the FBI.
White privilege is knowing that even if the bomber turns out to be white, no one will call for whites to be profiled as terrorists as a result, subjected to special screening, or threatened with deportation."
Good job Colbert! I was skeptical, but you did good. And i needed to laugh. So thanks.
Marvin Richards, 8 years old. Killed in the Marathon Bombing |
"original source of this picture i posted earlier. Let's keep sharing, and break the cycle of prejudice, racism and violence! I am so sorry friends from the Middle East for the way many in America jumped to blaming and racially profiling! Please forgive us! Lord have mercy! "
A sign with light near Symphony hall - I love the double meaning "Be Love!"
"darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that!" - MLK jr. |
Excerpt from Prayer request email sent out wednesday the 17th from a nurse at BMC, and friend of the Emmanuel Gospel Center:
please please please continue to pray for the victims and their families- this is a trauma that will go on for many days and weeks to come....
for so many there has been & will be the need for additional surgery.... (for the burns, to revise the amputation stump..... or as new amputations become necessary secondary to infection, poor vascular profusion, etc. ).....newly paralyzed, runners who will never run again, never dance again; embedded PLASTIC shrapnel- harder to locate in soft tissue (abdomen / arms /legs / faces)...the newly deaf - so many many have perforated ear drums - some will regain hearing - some will not.....this is an example of the "secondary trauma phase" - things that are not life threatening - but as people stabilize they are then hit with the new loss like their hearing, and the retraumatization of it ---- catastrophic loss on yet another level.
Then Thursday night- a robbery of a 7/11 near MIT, a car hijacked, a shoot out killing an MIT security guard just an hour or so after i had left the area. I didn't realize it was connected to the marathon bombing until the next morning when i got a text "stay safe" at 6am. I checked the news on my phone, and the next 18 or so hours of surreal, city locked down, waiting, watching, not sure what might happen next, unfolded.
my FB status friday morning when we heard we were in "lock down":
continuing to pray for our city! Stay safe friends, and lets not feed into the frenzy of fear and chaos... "You came near when i called on you; you said, "do not fear!" Lamentations 3:57
FB status mid day friday, during the "lock down"
thanks everyone! may we pray for a response globally to break these cycles of violence. And keep in prayer the many around the world who have lost loved ones this week... in TX, in all the shootings in the cities of the US and the world, the on going violence in syria, in Iraq, congo and others... the earthquake in Japan... and the yet unborn... yes there are differences in motives, in context, in 'impact' but lives are lost, and may we pray for those grieving. My we take a stand to say "another way is possible!" Lord we pray for Salam, Shalom, Peace.
A group of Bostonians sent a message of love back to Syria! YES! |
FB status update Friday
John 16:33
"...I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Thanks for sharing this Verse bro! (Joe Durfey)
FB status Friday night:
Suspect #2 Dzhokhar has been taken into custody, alive in Watertown. Pray for officials, for medical team treating his injuries and blood loss. What does "bring to justice" mean for this young man? What does it mean to love our enemies? Lord we pray for wisdom, and not a spirit of revenge and hatred. It is all just so heartbreaking. I am glad he is not still on the run with the potential of doing more harm.
RT @TheBatman When Gotham needs a hero they look to Batman. When Boston needs a hero they just look to the person standing next to them.
And now today, is the one week anniversary of this tragedy. I was walking through the city at 2:50 when there was a moment of silence. at the coffee shop a sign was posted that they would be joining in the observance. I heard over the radio on a police man i was walking past "Moment of Silence, we will observe a moment of silence" .... and i stopped for a while. then walked a bit, and people all around the commons were standing still. I hear at the memorial down on Berkeley and Boylston the "moment" lasted for close to 10 minutes. silent. remembering. grieving.
but life was continuing around the city. music playing in the commons, hippies out celebrating Earth Day with their hoola-hoops and drums, kids running and playing. I think it seemed everyone had an extra depth of thankfulness for life, for the sun, for the breath that we have been given. I pray that people turned to thank and find their creator today.
I walked down to the memorial later today and read through some of the signs.
And then- the question is - What is to be done with Dzhokhar? "Suspect #2", "white hat"?
What does justice look like for this young man... only 19 years old? found bleeding, hiding in the bottom of a boat.
I don't really know. But my heart aches for him. What led him and his brother to commit such an act, what must have been going through their heads and hearts. So very sad.
He was shot through the throat. somehow survived. He can write responses but can't talk yet. He is still in critical condition, though they say improving. He asked about his brother first thing.
Today he was officially charged with the crime at his bedside. That just makes me so sad.
He is alone in the hospital unit... they cleared the rest out.
The amount of wreckage, damages, loss he has caused is hard to even count... yet, as Cathi said and I agree - i see Jesus there with him when he was laying in that boat calling to him. Can we pray for him? pray for a change of heart? For his redemption?
The debate is around death penalty, where and when the trial will happen... What does LOVE in action look like here? I dont know. But, it doesn't seem that nursing him to life, to then sentence him to death is what Justice looks like.
i will pray.
Lord have mercy on us, and may your Kingdom come! your will be done, on earth (in Boston) as it is in heaven.